Richmond Agricultural Centre

Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education

Telephone(02) 4560 6300

Enrolment-AgSTEM Selective and Specialty streams

2026 Year 11 Full Time Enrolments Open April.

2026 Students HSC

Students can join us to complete an ATAR or non ATAR HSC pathways and combine this with dual accreditation and/or SBAT programs for their HSC studies.

Students will complete their full time studies at the Centre.

The Centre's curriculum offerings align to our focus areas of:

Agriculture - Avionics- Aboriginal Studies- Engineering- Mathematics- Primary Industries- Sciences-Enterprise/Commercial/Legal Education - Vocational Education.

For an enrolment package or to book in to our Information Sessions for the HSC and our specialist Avionics program contact us:

T: (02) 4560 6300

Courses on offer

  • Avionics: speak to us about our SBAT and dual accreditation Avionics Pathways.
  • Sciences: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Geography, Investigating Science, Physics and Extension Science in Yr12
  • Enterprise Education: Business Studies, Engineering, Enterprise Computing, Legal Studies, Primary Industries, access to eVET courses and SBATs
  • Mathematics: All levels.
  • English: All Levels
  • Aboriginal Studies
  • Agriculture: Agriculture and Primary Industries
  • Study patterns can also include TAFE courses, Distance Education, School Based Traineeship and Apprenticeships

Application is by portfolio and interview. 

Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.

Local enrolment area

Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.

How to enrol

If you live in our intake area and would like to apply to enrol at our school, start by submitting an online enrolment application. Online enrolment is currently only available for Australian or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.

If you are not able to apply online or you prefer not to, download the paper application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.

Online enrolment can also be used for out-of-area enrolment. Please note that out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.

Enrolment applications are finalised at the school.

For more information, visit secondary school enrolment.

For more information, visit:

How to enrol - Year 6 into Year 7

In NSW government schools, applying to move from primary school to high school is a 2-step process that starts with an Expression of Interest. Visit the moving to high school page to learn more about the process.

  • If you have received an offer from our school for placement into Year 7 next year, the next step is to visit online enrolment to proceed with the offer and complete the enrolment application.
  • If you did not submit an expression of interest or are not eligible, visit online enrolment to start a new application to our school.
  • If you submitted your expression of interest using a paper form, or would prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form.

Moving to high school

Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.

Temporary visas and international students

The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.

Distance education

Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.

For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.

ENROLMENTS AT THE CENTRE are NOT Local Drawing Area enrolments. Enrolments take two forms: 

a) Selective AGSTEM streams via Selective Schools processes

b) Specialty AgSTEM Streams and ALL Stage 6: Via interview and folio applications directly to the Centre.

Years 7-10 Enrolments

The Centre  and Richmond High school offer a two school delivery model for students in our AgSTEM Selective and AgSTEM Specialty streams in Years 7-10.  Students spend 60% of their timetable at the Centre at the Western Sydney University/TAFE campus and and 40% at the Richmond HS.

Years 11 and 12 Enrolments

Year 11 and 12 students can enrol to complete their studies FULL TIME at the Centre. 

The Centre also offers single course outreach for Year 11 and 12 students from other schools who may wish to complete one of their HSC programs at the Centre. 


Year 7 AgSTEM Specialty Stream. (2026)

Applications now open for Yr 7 2026 open March.

The 2026 Year 7 AgSTEM Specialty enrolment packages will be released on March 19, 2025.

Parents and guardians can request an Enrolment Package via email:

or speak to our Enrolment Team on:

(02) 45 60 6300

Round 1 closing date:  31 July 2025

Round 2 Applications will be accepted until the end of October, but will only be considered should a vacancy arise.

The AgSTEM Specialty program will see students apply through portfolio and interview. The students will study a unique curriculum developed to support their passions/interests in Ag/STEM and will be based three days a week on the Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education (WSU Hawkesbury site) and two days a week at Richmond HS.

Student's will study courses in Design Thinking, Applied Learning  and Agriculture. They will learn in a transdisciplinary model that sees learning opportunities partnered with WSU, TAFE and industry.

Students will also engage in a tailored Ag/STEM transition/careers program from Yr 7- Yr 12 including opportunities for mentoring by academic and industry experts.

The AgSTEM Specialty intake will include a Yr 7 class of up to 30 students.  There are NO local drawing areas for these positions.

Enrolment packages will include: 

  • Expression of Interest Supporting Document
  • AgSTEM Specialty Stream Frequently Asked Questions Document

Additional notes: 

The focus of the application process is to determine the student's interest and potential in AgSTEM education and their suitability to the designed educational program. This application process will be managed by the two school principals - the principal of Richmond High School and the principal of the Centre of Excellence.

Stage 1 of the process requires applicants to submit an Expression of Interest form and portfolio addressing the general selection criteria and personal narrative. Stage 2 will see shortlisted applicants invited to attend an interview and referee checks, as required. 

Expressions of Interest will be considered from students who are eligible to enrol in Year 7 at a NSW Department of Education high school in corresponding academic year. The program only offers full time day placements for students. There will be no residential or distance education enrolments in this program.


An information session for the 2026 Intake was held via zoom  in March. A copy of this presentation will be available with the enrolment package. 



Year 7 Academic Selective AgSTEM Stream (2026)

Year 7 Selective Applications NOW CLOSED for 2026.

AgSTEM Selective EOI process – Year 8/9/10 2026 will open in Term 3. The NSW Department of Education has opened the application process for placements in selective classes in Years 8-12 . 

Application Process: 

  1. Register your interest in applying for potential vacancies in the  AgSTEM Selective class by completing High Performing Student Team application form ( available mid year)  and submitting to the College via 
  2. All registered applications will receive an AgSTEM portfolio application via email 
  3. The Selection Committee will consider applications and invite shortlisted applicants for interview. (September-October) 
  4. Applicants will be advised of outcomes of the process. (October) 

Application Information is available at:

Applications NOW CLOSED for Yr 7 2026. 

Applications for 2027 Academically Selective AgSTEM Stream will open Term 4, 2025.

How does my child apply?

Students wishing to enrol in the Academically Selective AgSTEM stream in Year 7 will be required to sit the Selective Schools Test. 

To sit the test students will need to register in Year 5, through the Selective Schools website.  This site will be open mid Term 4 each year for registrations.  

Students will need to nominate Richmond Ag - Richmond High School as their preferred school.

During Semester 1 of  Year 6 students will sit the Selective Schools test. 

In July/August students will receive notification of their application. 

Once accepted into the academically selective AgSTEM stream the Centre and Richmond HS  will provide a formal induction process. 


2025 Selective Streams Years 8-10- CLOSED

Years 8 to 10  Selective streams

(2026 Enrolment Program will open  Mid Year)

The enrolment process for the 2025 Year 8-10 Selective streams will officially open this week. The NSW Department of Education will open this process on June 21st, 2024. Successful candidates in this process will fill vacancies that have arisen in selective streams across the state in 2024, commencing their enrolment in 2025. 

Applicants must complete both the NSW Department of Education Selective Schools paperwork and also the AgSTEM Selective specific processes. The application process is outined below. 

1. Download and complete the NSW DoE application form and submit to Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education by 26th  July 2024.

Selective high schools – Years 8 to 12 applications (

You must list the schools you choose in the same order of priority on each application form if you apply for more than one school.

2. Attach a copy of the birth certificate or other document that verifies the student’s name shown on each application.

3. Send each form to reach the relevant selective high School by 26 July 2024.

4. The Centre of Excellence will then forward the AgSTEM Application Form to applicants.

Entry to this program is via a student portfolio that includes student responses to four questions and one personal narrative. Students must also submit their:

  • End of Year report for 2023;
  • Half Yearly Report for 2024; and
  • NAPLAN results from years 5 onwards.

Additional information regarding the portfolio can be found in the enrolment package.

5. Applications will be shortlisted and shortlisted students will be invited to interview. 

Enrolments CLOSED: Years 8-10 AgSTEM Specialty Stream 2025

Years 8 to 10 specialty

(2026 Enrolment process will open Mid Year)

The enrolment process for the 2025 Year 8-10 Specialty streams will officially open Thursday 1st August, 2024. Successful candidates in this process will fill vacancies that have arisen in specialty streams, commencing their enrolment in 2025. 

 The application process is outined below. 

1. Email the Centre for an enrolment package

2. The Centre of Excellence will then forward the AgSTEM Application Form to applicants.

Entry to this program is via a student portfolio that includes student responses to four questions and one personal narrative. Students must also submit their:

  • End of Year report for 2023;
  • Half Yearly Report for 2024; and
  • NAPLAN results from years 5 onwards.

Additional information regarding the portfolio can be found in the enrolment package.

Return the package by the due date. Round 1 applications will close September 4th at 3pm. 

3. Applications will be shortlisted and shortlisted students will be invited to interview. Interviews will take place throughout September and October (excluding school holiday period).

4. Successful candidates will be notified of their enrolment offer in October. 

Moving overseas

Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT? 

Email to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.