Anti Bullying at the Centre

The Centre rejects all forms of bullying. Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons. Cyber bullying refers to bullying through information and communication technologies. All members of our community contribute to preventing bullying by modelling and promoting appropriate behaviour and respectful relationships.
Aims of Centre's Anti-bullying Plan
- To implement and maintain a whole school approach to address the problem of bullying
- To maintain a positive climate of respectful relationships where bullying is less likely to occur
- To increase self-esteem and to build self-efficacy
- To enhance learning readiness in the learning environment
- To embed anti-bullying messages into each curriculum area and heighten awareness at a whole school level
- To empower students to be proactive in problem solving associated with bullying
Student Programs at the Centre to support our Anti Bullying Plan
- All students will be made aware that bullying is unacceptable behaviour and that there are procedures in place for dealing with this problem: Mentors and Key Contact People
- All students will adhere to school rules about bullying
- All students will be encouraged to report bullying of any form when it occurs. Students are aware of the key contact points in the school: Class Mentor Teachers, ARCOs, School Leadership teachers
- All students will participate in ongoing anti-bullying reminders in mentor and musters during the school term
- Student leaders, including Prefects/SRC will participate actively in identifying and reducing the incidents of bullying and setting the standards as a role model.
- Student leaders work in conjunction with school leadership team to gain feedback from the student body.
If you have any concerns please contact our school on 0400718234 or email, and a member of our school leadership team, mentor teachers or anti-racism officer will contact you directly.
Link to DoE Anti Bullying Policy
Link to DoE Student Behaviour Code
Link to NSW Anti Bullying website