Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education

Excellence in Agricultural/STEM Education

Telephone(02) 4560 6300


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Principal:  Kris Beazley

Deputy Principal: Liz Hemmings

Head Teacher Secondary Studies: Joanne Tyler

Assistant Principal: Jasmine Seymour

Assistant Principal Relieving: Joanne Evans

Head Teacher Teaching and Learning: David Springbett 

Business Manager: Karen Lawrence

School Administration Manager: Michele Hood

The following teaching staff deliver our AgSTEM selective and specialist programs on the CoE campus and/or delivery of our State programs

  • Jo Evans
  • Nic Skevington
  • David James
  • Julianne Cummins
  • Jas Kaur
  • Lauren Hicks (PT)
  • Tei Lawford 
  • Julie Smith (PT)
  • Corina Marino (PT)
  • Casual Position Available

The following teachers from RHS also teach at the Centre as part of their teaching load: 

  • Alex Long
  • Gloria Crouch
  • Nisha Rani
  • Graham Smith
  • Sue Hoeflake (PT)

School Counsellors: 

Monday - Tuesday A: Joe

Thursday: Bree






Positions Vacant

We are hiring

The Centre is currently looking to fill a number of casual/temporary teaching opportunities. The roles are available as a combinatin of full time and part time allocations. 

The roles include: 

  • development of digital library materials to support AgSTEM programs in Stages 1-5 across all KLAs, with a focus on AgSTEM aligned KLAs.
  • team based curriulum design /delivery in Stage 4 Applied Learning and iDesign  AgSTEM programs.
  • team based curriculum design/deliver in Stages 1-3 AgSTEM state programs.
  • Day to day cover of absent teachers.

To apply please send your Resume, Teacher Approval documentation, WWCC to E: Richmondagcollege-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au marked Attention Liz Hemmings. 

Successful candidates who currently do not work in the Department of Education will be required to complete manadatory training modules before their commencement in the classroom.