Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education

Excellence in Agricultural/STEM Education

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Our 2020 No Bees No Future Program is live and our citizen scientists are 'buzzing' with enthusiasm

Our 2020 No Bees No Future Program is live and are citizen scientists are 'buzzing' with enthusiasm.

Over 120 students from five primary schools converged on the WSU Hawkesbury campus last week for their immersion day as part of our 2020 No Bees No Future Program. The students participated in citizen science workshops led by Western Sydney University staff and students and Department of Education staff from STEM T4L and the CoE,  accessing learning and research facilities on the campus. Workshops focussed on native bee research, pollinator data counts, coding and soil moisture data, the role of pollinators in greenhouses of the future and environmental issues facing bees and pollinators in 2020.


Students will now commence their 16 week trans-disciplinary project which includes community engagement as citizen scientists, fortnightly journalling on the project website, primary and secondary research, pollinator counts, scientific experiments and design thinking. We look forward to working with students through their learning journeys and hosting them back on the campus at the end of the semester to share their learnings and project solutions.