20 Mar 2020
An Information Evening for parents, carers and students interested in enrolling in the Year 7 - 2021 Agricultural Specialty Stream at Richmond Agricultural College. Information will be provided around the structure of the learning program, the two campus model of delivery and the application processes for the 2021 Year 7 class.
Date: Wednesday 13th May 6-7pm
Location: Richmond HS Trade Training Centre: entry and parking on Castlereagh Rd.
There will be a brief presentation and opportunities to ask questions and speak to our Principals, Mrs Kris Beazley (Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education-RAC) and Mr Cliff Ralph (Richmond High School-RAC).
Registration via Event brite. The link can be found in our Events Tab. Should we be unable to run a face to face event due to COVID -19 we will offer an online alterbative to those who have registered.